Being in relationship with…WORDS. Are you present or lost in choosing your words? 🙈🙉🙊
We all use them. We all think we understand them. We all choose our words spoken or written. Choosing words wisely can make all the difference. How come it´s so hard to do so?
Edmond Wells expresses this dilemma wonderfully, in The encyclopedia of relative and absolute knowledge.
“Between what I think,
what I want to say,
what I believe I say,
what I say,
what you want to hear,
What you believe to hear,
What you hear,
What you want to understand,
What you think you understand,
What you understand…
They are ten possibilities that
we might have some problem communicating.
But let´s try anyway…”
Choosing my words is crucial. Committing to becoming impeccable in applying my words is a life-long commitment that I am in wobbly relationship with all day, every day. Wobbly, because sometimes triggers gets in the way, and my words become way less than impeccable.
I grew up in a not so pleasant environment where judgmental words ruled the day in three languages. Accusations, misunderstandings, confusion. So I copied that formula, and have since learned the hard way that how I spoke – did not match who I wanted to be in the world. I am however, learning the soft way, that when I speak from my the depth of my being all doors open up.
What is your insight about the effect of how you apply your words, in relationship with yourself, and with others?
#wordsarepowerful #wordsmatter #leadershipmindset #relationshipcoach #commitment