I blog about Betterment,
Relationship Systems,
Systems Thinking,
Inspiring Humans,
and more.
Posts relate to
relevant services
and thinking.
Hope you enjoy!
Betterment and Systems Intelligence
The quote “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” is attributed to Aristotle, and may very well be a misquote. (If you are into…
Consciousness = Sustainability
This blog is from an earlier published text – about us consciously evolving as humans. Would higher systemic & relational skills raise our sustainability impact?
I used to…
The ongoing feedback loops between people in relationship systems, are much like fractals, repeating the process of communication, yielding successes and tensions – sometimes chaos. For humans…
About Relationship Systems Coaching
In a real sense, all life is interrelated. All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects…
On Being Awesome & How Not to Suck
How we interact in any social situation, is either on the awesome side (bringing value to both sides) or on the sucky side (bringing low energy to…
The Human Library
The Human Library offers diversity, equity and inclusion training for companies who wish to enhance social understanding in their workforce and grow their cultural awareness in deepening…
Field of possibilities
Meeting other WordPress (WP) site builders through a WP-School´s Christmas calendar, provides playing with serendipitous possibilities, inspiration, and Systems Intelligence Thinking.
Your Emotional Vocabulary
Being in an engaged relationship with your emotions allows you to feel more skillful and aware, which = self-empowerment. Self-empowerment is a verb, something you do, and…
Are you a highly sensitive person?
Ever wondered why you feel so much? You may very well be amongst us 20% who have the highly sensitive trait built in. It´s a superpower, wired…
TRAUMA – we all carry trauma, whether we are aware of it or not.
You don´t have to settle for being defined by your trauma!
See the human, not the problem!
When we start the journey of being more compassionate with…
Interview with Dr. Louis Klein, a Systems-Native.
Louis Klein´s take on Systems Thinking, Cybernetics and the Anthropocene, intrigued the inquiry I grapple with in my research. I had to know more about this man…
The elegance of kindness
“…When you are listening to music, it´s not passive. You´re having a visceral reaction to it, and hopefully it´s a positive one, that you take with you,…
My posts are about choosing to be in engaged relationship – with everyone, and everything: to show up, to relate consciously, willing to let stuff get messy….
Being in relationship with WORDS
WORDS. Are you present or lost in choosing your words?
We all use them. We all think we understand them. We all choose our words spoken or written….
Lost hair
Being a bald boss when loosing your hair.
The Bald Boss Movement mission: “We challenge women to recognize that hair is an accessory not a necessity. Whether you have…
Being in relationship – with everything?
The relationship with ourselves is the first relationship we are in; add another person, and we are in a relationship system, more than the sum of its parts, right? Systems are about…
EUTIERRIA: ´This earthly feeling…where the boundaries between self and the rest of nature are obliterated…´
Being willing to receive – everything.
The short version is being willing to receive everything that comes your way, realizing you have created what comes your way, and let it pass right through…
Psychological Safety
Do you feel psychologically safe at home and at work?
The highest performing persons and teams are characterized by psychological safety, meaning not being afraid of making mistakes,…
What is consciousness? I know, that question is a minefield. However, we use the word all the time, and ascribe a myriad of meanings to it. What…
Inner Saboteurs
Do you find yourself overpowered by the same negative thought-patterns or overpowering emotions, that hijack your mojo in your life and work? They´re called many things –…