Coaching Private
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Examples of relationship systems I love to support are couples, a family, extended family systems, group of friends, volunteer groups, and more.
We are all part of many relationships, and a sense of fulfillment and connection with others is vital for all of us. Sometimes however, we get entangled in roles, patterns, limited beliefs, misunderstandings, past conditioning, or toxic behavior. These are examples when it can be highly beneficial for the members in the relationship to gain new perspectives, tools and skills to regain more balance – togehter.
A session is typically two-hour sessions (or more, depending on the number of people). One session may be enough to lessen tension; several sessions allow for more in-depth work, acquiring new skills, and create more significant change.
Relationship Systems Coaching is a cutting-edge coaching-model based on Systems Theory, Process Work, Family Systems Therapy, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Quantum Physics, Co-Active Coaching, Taoism, and more.
Relationship system intelligence is an evolution of Emotional Intelligence (your relationship with yourself), Social Intelligence (relationship with other), to Relationship Systems Intelligence where the focus is on the collective wisdom of the group, team or system.
Please contact me for details to tailor your needs. Book a 60-minute free conversation to learn how. we can work together.
These sessions are offered both online (Zoom) and IRL.
Learning through gaming:
Playing Serious Games focuses communication on a delicate topic, enhances communication and negotiation skills, and engages all players. The game creates commitment around the next step forward in an hour´s time. All voices will be heard & it is fun!
Serious games such as Topaasia, is another way to advance a relationship´s system intelligence skills. The game is used to facilitate dialogues in a relationship/ team through a card game that enables all voices to be heard and is played either live or digitally. My brilliant Finish friends have developed a deck of Systems Intelligence in collaboration with Systems Intelligence researchers and founding fathers at Aalto University.
I am happy to facilitate and teach you how to use it. After that, you can play regularly on your own to enhance conversation and interaction in your relationship systems. This game is such an ice-breaker and a way to hear all voices in a system.
Try Topaasia for free here
Playing Serious Games structures discussion, heightens your Systems Intelligence skills, and lets all voices of the system be heard.
It´s inclusive and fun for all! It´s not about winning, but finding the next step forward for the whole system.
May be played like a regular card game, or the digital version. ( I use the Systems Intelligence Deck, but Topaasia have many other decks as well.)