Consciousness = Sustainability
“The only way that we can live is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it. Throw yourself.”
– C. JoyBell C.
The “throw” in the quote above speaks to us standing up for what we want more of – taking responsibility for our own growth, be willing to change by learning, and exposing ourselves so we can stand up for the world we want to see evolve. Photo: Frax.
Consciousness = Sustainability
This blog is from an earlier published text – about us consciously evolving as humans.
Would higher systemic & relational skills raise our sustainability impact?
I used to work with sustainability in architectural design, policy making and R&D projects. I wondered why it was so difficult for us to take in that all natural systems can only sustain if their eco-systems are not tinkered with, and that we are responsible for being good stewards here on Gaia.
There is a limit before devolution occurs in any system, and there is a tipping point for ecological crises. Perhaps because we do not understand that we have no right to exploit relationship systems? We don´t willingly make the right choices if we ´ don´t understand what is at stake. The unconscious unconscious. Our concept of We sounds more like ME and not so much thinking of the greater whole – The WE. Most of us seem to make choices for quick wins even though we know we need big change.
This is partly why I switched from buildings to working for the service of evolving sustainable humans, myself for starters. We all need to up-skill our systems thinking, become better stewards of this planet, and in our relationship-systems. We need to understand that all we think, feel, say and do, have impact on living systems; that we in turn, are entirely dependent on for survival.
My friend Anja Stang is on to something. She runs a clever, green site, organized as a house, with topics about sustainable thinking and living. She invites people to visit her in the Guest room, and I visited writing about change – talking about the desired impact of systems thinking and soft/ human skills.
This article is in Norwegian only, published twelve days after COVID lock-down in March. Similar themes may be found here and here.
An earlier feature of my Sustainability / Systems-thinking (before I knew the term, and pre-Ph.D.) , published on buildingSMART Norway blog, is … also in Norwegian only. The piece is written by Morten Iversen (kudos, he writing is witty, precise and informing). Norwegian title is: Lyst er en bedre drivkraft enn tvang. Translates to something like: Desire – A Better Drive Than Force.