E u t i e r r i a
´This earthly feeling…where the boundaries between self and the rest of nature are obliterated…´
Eutierria (eu =good, tierra = earth, ia = suffix for member of a group of {positive psychoterratic} conditions). Pronounced: You tee air ia …
“This earthly feeling is one where the boundaries between self and the rest of nature are obliterated and a deep sense of peace and connectedness pervades consciousness.” Coined by, and quoted from Glenn A. Albrecht (2010).
“Nature can be so soothing to the tormented mind, a blue sky, the glittering surface of lake water, the green foliage of trees may be your solace. In such company it is even possible to forget the reality of one’s personal existence. It lends wings to our feelings and thoughts.” (von Humboldt 1829: Letter to brother, in Von Humboldt 1995:xliii)
What is your Eutierria of choice? My preference is the vastness of the ocean. From the Oslo Fjord this morning.
Feel free to contact me for a free conversation on anything less than a feeling of E-u-t-i-e-r-r-i-a.
#life #lifecoach #water #mindfulness #gratitude #inspiration