Photo from webpage, Anka Bardeleben for Louis Klein
Interview with Dr. Louis Klein, the Systems-Native:
This interview was featured in the Action Research Plus Newsletter August 2021.
The presence of Louis Klein:
I first encountered Dr. Louis Klein in a conversation with Jennifer Campbell on the Systemic Leadership Summit (SLS) earlier this year. His take on Systems Thinking, Cybernetics and the Anthropocene intrigued the inquiry that I grapple with in my research, so I was curious to know more about this guy who talks about love in scientific presentations. Who is he? I invited him to a conversation that became an interview, a very long interview, because Klein´s thinking and take on the world needs time to dive into and stirs up ever more questions. There are fascinating ´ley lines´ that should be shared with anyone interested in systems approaches!
Louis Klein is a polymath; a gentleman scholar, researcher, educator, writer, editor, international thought- and practice leader, economist, former banker, sociologist, founder and leader of think-tanks, successful consultancies, and more. He is just highly accomplished in many fields – and an interesting and generous interviewee! In the interview we learn about his background, vast experience and rare capacity.
Dr. Klein’s speaks to our responsibility of our stewardship for Mother Earth, how humanity just do not seem to learn from past mistakes, and remains entangled in self-made constructs of competition, service-to-self positions and inertia. Let´s look at re-learning, re-skilling, and re-storying ourselves through governance, management, leadership, and practice being better in the relationship-systems we are a part of. In relationships we have the opportunity to learn and practice navigating through a service-to-others perspective. Klein´s message is that humanity has what it takes to do what needs to be done, to solve our problems – together. Question is, do we want to?
I am deeply appreciative of learning more about him and his take on systems thinking, practice, life & experience – e.g., how he came to be known as a ‘systems native,’ so, my hope is that you will too. You are invited to read the full interview in the downloadable PDF below. You may also need a hammock, or a comfortable chair, a good hour of undisturbed time and a suitable beverage . . .