Visualization – what´s that?
“A personalized visualization? Never heard of it!”
– A tool to receive, perceive and be with a topic for a few minutes.
Visualization – is a ´relative´ of meditation. A visualization can be active / willed by someone, and they can be received. I can offer you what I receive when focusing on your topic.
Would you like a personalized visualization? I would love to record a unique visualization just for you. I focus on your energy and the details you provide. A visualization could be some help for you to work through difficult emotions, or support a practice of meditation / visualization for yourself, or just as upliftment. If you would like a visualization made uniquely for you, or gift a friend? I also make an accompanying sketch/ or a fractal image (like the one on this page) of what comes in the visualization.
I am also happy to record a unique visualization in Norwegian. Description in Norwegian below.
About visualization:
Visualization is the formation of a mental image of something, and can be a form of meditation as well. You can ´receive´ images and colors, patterns or sounds, or have a clear knowing, experience other sensations in your body, and more. Another interpretation is that you can actively visualize with your imagination as well, conjuring up images. In conclusion, there is both a passive or receptive way of visualization, and a more active one.
Most of us are visuals to some degree, although I often hear, “Oh but, no, I am not visual. I don´t see anything with my inner eye!” If you close your eyes for a few seconds right now however, visualize e.g. your front door with your inner eye – what color is it? What material is it made of? What side of the door is the door knob on? Or, how many windows does your house have? Most people can answer these questions!
Also – there is no doubt, that some people have trained their visualization muscle more than others. Artists, or designers are typically visuals. They may see mental images, full movies even, or patterns and colors. Some people have Synesthesia (like me) – seeing letters and numbers as consistent colors, and/ or seeing patterns or colors e.g. when they listen to music, or focus inward. Here is an informative article on this phenomena.
Norwegian description:
Hva med en immateriell gave til deg selv eller en venn? Den er bærekraftig, oppløftende og unikt laget for deg.
Jeg tilbyr en personlig visualisering. Send meg noen ord om et tema du jobber med; det kan være en utfordrende situasjon, vanskelige følelser, eller behov for å fokusere på noe som er mer oppløftende. Det kan være en vei inn for å etablere eller supplere en meditativ praksis for deg selv også. Jeg fokuserer på temaet ditt og informasjon fra en kjærlig intelligens kommer bare; som ord, farger, mønstre eller bilder. Jeg forteller om hva jeg ser og oppfatter, og du mottar beskjeden gjennom frekvensen i mine ord, skreddersydd til deg. Det kommer på en måte til eller gjennom meg. Omtrent som når jeg gir Reiki behandling, eller coacher noen.
Du kan bestille en personlig visualisering her. Hvis ønskelig kan du også bestille en skisse som representerer det jeg har sett i visualiseringen for deg. Eller jeg kan lage et fraktal-bilde à la det til høyre på siden, men et unikt et som representerer det jeg så da jeg fokuserte på ditt tema. På denne måten er også skissen/bildet ladet med energien fra visualiseringen. Du kan bestille skissen her.
Image: Fractals made by FRAX/Silvie