What is a coaching relationship?
A coaching relationship is a safe, co-creative space with your agenda in focus. We design our coaching alliance together in tandem, and this allows me to learn how to be with you; meet you where you are emotionally, mentally, and intellectually. Our coaching alliance provides a baseline for you to trust the process, and me as your coach; allow for its unfolding. Consequently, a co-active coaching process will nudge you forwards, and let you to move beyond what does not serve you – by working with your edges.
Sometimes crossing an edge happens with a `zing´, sometimes with resistance; and only when you have enough information about how to `live´ on the other side of that edge, will new knowledge grace your life. A more resourced version of you will start to emerge as you experience what the other side of the edge feels and looks like.
More importantly, your role is of course to bring your agenda to the sessions, and be willing to dig deep for clarity, to allow the necessary insights to occur, and changes to be made. My role is to assist you in getting to where you want to go, in empowering you along the way. Some processes take longer to explore and fully unfold than others. Learning to be patient with yourself while you move forward is valuable, and having support from someone, like a coach witnessing and mirroring you, can greatly support your way forward.
My coaching style is based on the training I received with CTI – The Coaches Training Institute’s Co-Active model. I quote them: “At its most basic, Co-Active means simply ‘being in action . . . together’. Or perhaps ‘being together. . . in action.” The first relationship you have, is with yourself, the second is you in relationship with the other. We are in multiple relationship systems all day, every day, and how we navigate in them accounts for a large part of our lives.
I am also trained in Organization- and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC), which is built on, and evolved from, the Co-Active model. The ORSC-modality is about coaching more than two people in relationship systems; such as families and groups, either privately, or in work settings.
I coach in English or Norwegian, in person (when allowed), or online. One session is a great start, and or a taste of what coaching can bring. Several sessions deepen your learning and provide more commitment to holding yourself accountable towards your goals. It all depends on your intention and where you want to go.
As the saying goes: ´commitment is sticking to your plan long after the mood you said it in, has left you.´ If what you have read resonates, feel free to book a complimentary coaching-conversation to find out more. I look forward to discovering who you are.
Question to consider: What is the difference between coaching and therapy?
A rule of thumb is that coaching focuses on quality and reaching your goals. Coaching is focused on the present and the future. Coaching focuses on revealing the resources in you to yourself, or to the relationship system in question. Therapy must be focused on healing emotional trauma and deal with disruptive situations, and is more past- and present-oriented; focused on dis-ease. Read more here
Finally, I would like to share a poem about willingness to cross our edges in order to allow for necessary change. How does this land with you?
Come To The Edge
“Come to the edge,” he said.
“We can’t, we’re afraid!” they responded.
“Come to the edge,” he said.
“We can’t, We will fall!” they responded.
“Come to the edge,” he said.
And so they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.”
– Guillaume Appollinaire