The benefit
of Reiki
balances and
harmonizes you
mentally, emotionally
and spiritually
“Through a process of continual evolutionary
biofeedback you can refine your life
to such a point that you are
in complete resonance
with every fractal aspect of the universe.”
– The Gene Keys, Richard Rudd (2015).
Fractal image made by FRAX.
Mathematics made beautiful.
About Reiki:
Reiki is spiritual energy transmitted through a practitioner who has received attunements from a Reiki teacher in a lineage of Reiki Masters. Reiki heals on a physical, spiritual, and emotional level, always reaching the individual´s balance.
Reiki is a process of returning to our true selves, inspiring and informing the Reiki practice and sessions. The beauty of Reiki is that the practitioner´s own healing is as important as the healing of the other. I so love the reciprocity of this perspective! A state of well-being is a prerequisite to offer healing of value. Regular reiki aids attaining well-being and is deeply relaxing.
The five pillars in Reiki:
- precepts – a code of practice or instruction for life
- meditations – techniques for cleanse and preparing for practice
- hands-on healing – allowing the universal Ki to flow through hands
- mantras and symbols and – used to awaken dormant energy
- reiju / Initiations – spiritual blessings
The Reiki Precepts:
For today only
Do not anger
Do not worry
Be humble and grateful
Be honest in your work
Be compassionate to yourself and to all others
My Reiki Lineage:
Mikao Usui – Founder of the Reiki system
Taketomi Kanichi – 3rd President of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai
Kimiko Koyama – 6th President of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai
Hiroshi Doi – Member of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai
Frans Stiene – Reiki Master Teacher
Tammy S. Britton – Reiki Master Teacher
Silvie Le Muzic – Reiki Practitioner
Photo: Kjersti Fjøsne
“Words can’t describe my experience. Silvie is magic. I had minimal knowledge about Reiki, but knew Silvie´s power, so with an open mind I received a quiet, albeit transformative experience. Blockages I did not knew I had, loosened, and the following days allowed me to land in my own body so that life again felt like flow and meaning. Thank you Silvie, for taking the time with me; I look forward to next time. Lucky are we who cross paths with you!”
– Julia.
In Norwegian: Ord blir fattige. Silvie er magisk. Jeg hadde minimalt med kunnskap om Reiki, men kjenner Silvies krefter. Så med åpent sinn, tok jeg imot en stille, men helomvendende opplevelse. Blokkeringer jeg ikke visste om ble løsnet og i de påfølgende dagene havnet jeg litt etter litt i egen kropp – og livet fikk igjen ´flow´ og meining. Takk Silvie, for at du tok deg tid til meg! Gleder meg stort til neste gang! Heldige er alle vi som møter deg på vår vei.
– Julia.
“I experienced that my mind went quiet and that my attention transported to the inside of my body, where Silvie held her warm hands.
Silvie´s approach to Reiki is humble, and her presence holds the space in a safe and pleasant way.
After the treatment, I felt an overall peace throughout my body.
– Cathrine B., Graphic Designer, Entrepreneur.
In Norwegian: Jeg opplevde at sinnet stilnet, og at oppmerksomheten min ble flyttet til innsiden av kroppen der Silvie hold de varme hendene sine.
Silvie har en ydmyk tilnærming til Reiki, og en tilstedeværelse som preger rommet på en trygg og behagelig måte.
Etter Reikibehandlingen kjente jeg en gjennomgående ro i hele kroppen.
–Cathrine B.