Relationship Systems Coaching
I am enthusiastically interested in human relationships, meaning people relating to each other in different systems. Raising our awareness, skill, and intelligence of how we do that skillfully is needed both for the future of work and in our more intimate relationships. Enhancing our relationship skills require raising our awareness by being in practice. Practice expands and connects us, and magic happens when we learn to read the emotional field, see the relationship systems as a whole – and calibrate our place and contribution within them.
Mandelbrot fractal image – “Every act you make in life generates a fractal wave pattern that affects all creatures in the universe.” The Gene Keys, Richard Rudd (2015).
Relationship Systems Coaching
in organizations, teams, groups or in families:
A relationship system is you in a relationship with someone else. Together you co-create a new whole. To sustain the whole, most of us need to explore relational questions about our role(s) and our relationships with others. Such questions are:
Who do you want to be in this system?
What do you want the whole system to look like?
What is possible in this system?
How do you contribute to making that happen?
Is there some tension that prevents the system from functioning optimally?
What is your role in the tension?
What skills do you need to feel safe, and to thrive in your relationship systems?
If you are curious about how coaching a system could assist your relationships, let´s have a conversation about the relationship system you would like to work with. We will customize the coaching to your needs, considering factors like the size of the relationship system, type of system, point of departure, level of tension, what your desired outcome is, and more. Read more about the Relationship Systems Intelligence here.
The renowned polymath therapist, author, teacher, and speaker, Esther Perel teaches us that there are basic verbs you need in relationships – they all encompass control, connection and pleasure. Try them on for size a few seconds to feel into what your relationship feel like ( in any relationship):
To ask
To receive
To take
To give
To share
To refuse
To imagine
To play
To negotiate
and more…