Organization Systems Coaching – corporate settings:
Organization Systems Coaching is a cutting edge coaching-model based on Systems Theory, Process Work, Family Systems Therapy, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Quantum Physics, Co-Active Coaching, Taoism, and more.
Relationship system intelligence is an evolution of Emotional Intelligence (your relationship with yourself), Social Intelligence (relationship with other), to Relationship Systems Intelligence where the focus is on the collective wisdom of the group, team or system.
Organization Systems Coaching is powerful process-work for evolving leadership groups, project teams, organizational development settings that wants to learn how to attain more from the whole. This is done by learning to read the emotional field, practice noticing what is trying to happen, harvest together by being invested in the system, and understanding the crucial contribution of each person in it. Each setting is unique, so please contact me to for a free conversation about your situation.
Examples of when to work with the whole system could be at the start of a new project, consolidating the new team. Or, when there is tension or ´stuckness´ present in a team, group or system, or, when problem-solving needs levelling up because of disruptive change, or in designing the next step forward together, and more.
Session-content will be tailored to the organizaion´s need. Contact me for a conversation so I may learn of your needs and assess how I may serve.
For larger settings: I collaborate with ORSC – coaches globally. Please contact me about possibilities.
– Start-Up Circularity Consulting, London
– Young Engineers, Norway
– Project-group of researchers, Norway
– School, PTA and teachers, Norway
What can be expected as an outcome?
People who work with their relationship through systems coaching say they learn to read what is going on because of new skills, such as listening more deeply, speaking up what needs to be said, and learning to read the emotional field, all the while being heard, feeling safe and seeing the whole from a new perspective. This yields new possibilities for engaging with and communicating in relationship systems – so that the relationship system can move forward more resourced than before.
Playing games as a systems entry:
Playing Serious Game tool focuses communication around sensitive topics & creates accountability around the next step forward for the team, as a whole.
Serious games such as Topaasia, is another way to advance a team´s system intelligence skills. The game may be used to facilitate dialoges in a team through a card game than enables all voices to be heard, either live or digitally. My brilliant Finish friends have developed a deck of Systems Intelligence in collaboration with Systems Intelligence founders at Aalto University.
Topaasia is a fun and effective tool to facilitate dialog around more hidden or delicate subjects, or deciding on the next step forward, in just an hours´s time. I can facilitate and show you how to use it. After that, you can do it on your own. This is such an ice-breaker, and a great way to hear all voices in the system.
Learn how to play with your team. The best output is attained with 8 or less players. Physical cards and/ or digital version.
Contact me for details here
Playing Serious Games structures the discussion, heightens the team´s Systems Intelligence skills, and lets all voices of the system be heard.
It´s fun too!
May be played like a regular card game (live), or the digital version. ( I use the Systems Intelligence Deck. Topaasia have developed many other decks as well.)
Try Topaasia for free here