Clarity around terms. The purpose of this page is for achieving clarity about the logistics/terms of our coaching relationship.
Availability & Time Zones: CEST time is my current time-zone (-9 PDT, -7 EST, -2 UTC, +1 BST, +7 Tokyo, +3,5 IST). You can find appointment times on my Acuity scheduling page. If you live in a country that makes meeting CEST-time difficult, please contact me via e-mail, and I’ll work something out. Timezones can be confusing, so to ensure we’re both on the same page, find your time zone compatibilities here. We will thank ourselves getting it right 🙂
Book Time for a Pre-Paid Appointment: Go to my Calendly scheduling page and you’ll find available appointment types and times. You can pay directly from there as well. I will send you a confirmation email after Calendly notifies me.
Connecting: I prefer connecting by Zoom or Skype, if we cannot meet in real life, (e.g., for clients in other parts of the world, pandemic limitations). If we use Skype, give me your ID in the contact form and I will initiate contact. I prefer Zoom, and I’ll send you a link once I receive your booking. Please use earbuds with an inline mic, or a good headset, to eliminate echo / secure sound quality.
Before Your First Appointment: Please review the theme /situation /questions you’d like explore. Be prepared to describe your situation, current transition, recent changes, and key issues in a concise way so we don’t waste time. Please note that I do not have much capacity to answer questions outside of sessions.
Lateness, No-Shows, Cancellations, Rescheduling: Punctuality is appreciated! I will wait for you for 10 minutes before moving on to other things, unless you call or email in advance to see if the appointment can be moved forward slightly. If you need to change the day, please give me 24-hours notice. Please note that I do not give refunds.
If some of these terms are unclear, please ask for clarification here.
Thank you!